My Testimonials
Gentle Baby Coach: Robin Norris

This letter is in reference to Robin Norris and the tremendous job she recently did for us with our newborn son. A very good friend recommended “sleep training” to us after hearing about the birth of our third child. My wife and I both work full time. My wife is in real estate, so she works all hours of the day and weekends. I’m in the service business, so I work six days a week from October through May. Our two older girls (ages 8 and 6) are at a stage in life where they’re pretty self-sufficient so we had gotten into a pretty good routine despite our hectic work schedules. When our son came along on October 20th, 2015, our routine changed dramatically and so did our sleep patterns. Although we had every intention of making our third child sleep in a bassinet, he ended up in bed with us. It was the easiest way for my wife to get some sleep while breastfeeding throughout the night as needed, but neither of us got very good sleep. Our oldest daughter had slept in our bed for the first 9 months of her life. Our middle child slept with us for the first 7 months. So after six weeks with the little guy, we knew we couldn’t go down that road again and needed to do something different. We were just that much older and getting our sleep had become very important to us in order to function with our jobs, and we weren’t getting ANY consistent sleep. Along came Robin. Whatever questions and concerns we had went away in the interview process. She was thorough, and explained everything she would do for the next six weeks. Robin put our minds at complete ease. She was very comforting, and she didn’t disappoint! Our son went from sleeping in our bed all night, to sleeping in his crib for several hours the very first night! We would go to bed when Robin got to our house at 10:00 p.m. and we would sleep until just before she left at 6:00 a.m. It was “heaven”. Robin was always on time, and after she arrived would go over how our son’s day had gone and answer any questions we might have. She also logged exactly what happened during the night while she was caring for our son. She was very good at giving us practical advice in order to help our baby’s sleep patterns to improve. We had gotten our routine back and were able to function! Not to mention as the weeks went on, our son was sleeping longer and longer. Before we knew it, he had slept for 12 straight hours! After doing just about everything wrong with the first two children, Robin was a lifesaver for us! We have the absolute highest regard for what she was able to do for our family. I just wish we had met her before now! You’re in great hands.
It is my great pleasure to recommend Robin Norris as a Newborn Care Specialist. She has been caring for our twin daughter’s since they were 4 days old. Robin started the first night we got home from the hospital, and made the entire process very seamless and comfortable for everyone. Robin is knowledgeable, extremely helpful, and caring. She is also well versed in sleep training, and has a natural gift with newborns. She was an asset from the first night we bought our twins home, teaching us how to swaddle the babies, soothing techniques, and educating us about the importance of a schedule, especially when it comes to multiples. She was there to support us every step of the way. Towards the end of Robin’s contract, I had a few family obligations arise, and not only did Robin work a few extra nights, she also offered to stay and help me a few mornings. She is extremely flexible, and I truly believe she not only cares for the well being of my baby girls, but for my family. We feel fortunate to have had Robin in our home. We are convinced that because of her help, the first few months with our twins where much more enjoyable. One of my girls is sleeping the entire night, and her sister is not far behind her. Needless to say, so are we! This is making it possible to enjoy each waking hour with them! Please don't hesitate to contact me if you would like to hear more about our experiences with Robin.
I am pleased to recommend, Robin Norris, as a Newborn Care Specialist. Robin has worked with our family since June of 2011, and is a wealth of knowledge when it comes to infant care and sleep training newborns. Her expertise made the transition from being a married couple with no children, to a married couple with a newborn, a lot less stressful. She was able to get our son on an eating and sleeping schedule right away with her sleep training methods, and continues to offer us useful information regarding infant care. Our son is now consistently sleeping through the night. If you are about to become a new parent or are looking to ease the stress of adding a new baby to your family, I highly recommend Robin’s services and expertise.
As first time parents of a newborn, we highly recommend, Robin Norris, as a Newborn Care Specialist. We met Robin when our daughter was 3 weeks old and waking up every 2 hours to eat. Needless to say, we were exhausted, and needed serious help with a schedule. Robin gave us a daily schedule to follow, taught us how to properly swaddle our baby, gave us tips on setting the nursery up for sleep, and demonstrated gentle, soothing techniques. In 7 weeks, Robin had our little angel sleeping 10-12 hours a night! I cannot say enough wonderful things about Robin! She was always on time, if not early. Robin frequently checked with us during the day to see how things were going and answered any questions we had for her. She always left everything very neat, and always looked and acted very professional. Robin was always open to discuss our concerns and easy to talk with. The most important part was the gentle way she took care of our precious newborn. Robin is a very caring and loving person, and we feel very grateful to have had her help during this very special time.
Robin Norris is not a “Want”. She is a “Must Have”. I am a mother of 4 month old twins. My life is calm and collected because I had Robin. She is not a “Nanny”. She is a “Newborn Care Specialist”. Let me explain... When I met Robin we had a great connection. She started with our family the day the twins were born. Yes, she started her first week at the hospital. Robin’s training will help put order in your life. She is trained to teach your baby/babies to self soothe and have peace in their lives. During Sleep Training, you will learn the techniques to handle your baby/babies in a productive caring manor. In turn, this allows you to have time and patience so you can give them the love, attention, and care they need. She has a predictable approach, yet she is very caring and attentive to your child. When the sleep training is completed, Robin will leave you (and you will be sad to see her go) with a baby that sleeps through the night, and the tools to continue caring for them. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to have Robin as a part of our family for 12 weeks. I felt very comfortable having her in my home. She is clean, pleasant, attentive, and pays close attention to detail. She is very knowledgeable, and is eager to get the job done.
Our family first hired Robin to sleep train and stay through the night with our first daughter during spring 2014. She was so impressive, that we hired her again during summer 2015 for our second daughter. She began with us when each girl was just a couple weeks old, and continued through about 12 weeks of age, once the girls respectively began sleeping 12 hours each night. Bringing home a newborn from the hospital was a confusing, exhausting, and stressful experience. Robin proved to be an invaluable guide for us both times. She provided deep experience and resources beyond the status quo advice we received from our pediatrician, and even close friends and family. She was dedicated to helping our family with each little challenge that came up, and stayed focused on getting our girls sleeping through the night. Robin has a friendly, caring, and warm demeanor that immediately made my husband and I feel at ease with her staying in our home, and caring for our children. She is easy to talk to, yet very professional, and dependable. She always followed through with each question and information request we had. She communicated smoothly and directly with us, and made the process of giving our family the “gift of sleep” go as easily as possible. Today our girls are 20 months and 4 months old. We hear all of the time what "great sleepers" we have, and we owe it all to Robin!